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Hedge Funds - Boon or Bane?

Hedge Funds - Boon or Bane?

Author: Jose D. Roncal And Jose N. Abbo

Anyone following the financial news has likely heard opinions right and left about what's behind the current crisis. In addition to the usual suspects-Wall Street greed, lack of oversight, and predatory lending-you've doubtless seen fingers pointed at other culprits, such as short selling and hedge funds.

Let's take a closer look at those last two subjects by answering these questions: What exactly are hedge funds? How do they work? Who is eligible to invest in them? And finally, why have these funds been grabbing headlines during the recent Wall Street crisis?

First, let's examine what they are and where they came from.

Hedging against risk

Back in 1949, Alfred W. Jones, a sociologist, author, and financial journalist, came up with a revolutionary idea for an investment fund. To hedge against potential losses for investors, Jones combined leverage and short-selling of securities. He was so successful at hedging the market, his fund outperformed the mutual funds of the day-and the term "hedge fund" was born.

Despite his success, hedge funds didn't really get traction until the 1960s when wealthy entrepreneurs like Warren Buffet and George Soros got on board. Suddenly hedge fund became a Wall Street buzzword, and by some estimates, these funds currently manage close to $3 trillion in assets.

While Jones's strategy focused on short selling and leverage, there are a variety of other methods today's hedge fund managers use.

Hedge Funds. Registering With the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Hedge Funds. Registering With the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Author: Turn Key Hedge Funds

ForEx, hedge funds. Registering with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Generally, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission has jurisdiction over transactions in ForEx futures and options contracts offered to retail customers, and the only counterparties that can lawfully enter into these contracts with retail customers on an off-exchange basis are persons that are: (i) registered with the Commission as a futures commission merchant (FCM); (ii) certain affiliates of a registered FCM;, or (iii) otherwise regulated, e.g., as a securities broker-dealer, a bank, a financial institution or an insurance company.

On May 22, 2008, the Congress passed the Farm Bill which, in Title XIII, contains several amendments to the Commodity Exchange Act involving the retail trading of foreign exchange.

Under the CFTC Reauthorization Act, a person operating pool solely trading spot ForEx is not required to register as a CPO at this time (but may be so required in the future upon promulgation of regulations by the CFTC).

Start a Forex Hedge Fund and Make Your Own Fortune

Start a Forex Hedge Fund and Make Your Own Fortune

Author: Turn Key Hedge Funds


Now there is an easy turn key way for successful traders to set up their own Spot Forex Fund where:

  • You are the Fund Manager;

  • You Earn the Incentive Fee;

  • You control the Investment and trading strategy.


provides to you:

  • The Turn Key Start up at a fraction of the traditional start-up costs.

  • The turn key back office that permits you to control the general operations while not having the responsibility for the day to day operations.

What are Hedge Funds and Starting Your Own Hedge Fund

What are Hedge Funds and Starting Your Own Hedge Fund

Author: Turn Key Hedge Funds


In the securities world, the term "Hedge Fund" does not necessarily imply any use of "hedging" as commonly understood; for example where commodity traders use options to "hedge" a commodity position. Presently, in the securities world the term "hedge fund" refers to any type of Private Investment Company operating under certain exemptions from registration under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act of 1940. "Hedge Funds" are often referred to as "alternate investment vehicles" and are tailored to the needs of sophisticated, high net worth private investors. A Hedge Fund is generally structured as a limited partnership having a general partner responsible for the investment activities and day-to-day operation of the fund, and limited partners who are the investors supplying capital but not participating in trading or operations of the fund. The limited partners have limited liability. That is, their exposure to loss is limited to their investment. The General Partner has unlimited liability and is liable for the activities of the partnership. The General Partners principals limit their liability through the use of a corporation or limited liability company as the General Partner. (Of course, the principals cannot limit their liability from the application of the anti fraud provisions of the Federal Securities Laws.) All of the investors' capital is pooled and is utilized by the General Partner or Investment Manager to implement its trading or investment strategy.

Hedge Funds are "Non-Public Offerings." The private offering exemption prohibits Hedge Funds from making any public offering. Therefore, Hedge Funds are prohibited from general advertising and generally secure investors through word of mouth, consultants, registered representatives, brokers or investment advisors. Hedge Funds have investors that are either "accredited investors" or "qualified purchasers." In general, the Federal Securities Laws define the terms "accredited investor" and "qualified purchaser" in terms of minimum asset and income threshold that must be met before they qualify to be investors in the Hedge Fund. Since the Hedge Fund generally limits investment to "accredited investors" or "qualified purchasers" both of whom are required to meet certain minimal asset and/or income thresholds, the Fund Manager or administrator must gather background information on potential investors to determine whether they meet the minimum requirements to be "accredited investors" or "qualified purchasers." By making a non-public offering to certain kinds of investors, (accredited investors or qualified purchasers) the investment vehicle will be exempt from registration requirements of The Securities Act of 1933 pursuant to the safe harbour provisions of Rule 506 of Regulation D. Where the investment vehicle is limited to no more than 100 investors, and otherwise complies with the safe harbour provisions of Regulation D, such an investment entity is exempt from the extensive regulation pursuant to Section 3(c)1 of The Investment Company Act. Section 3(c)7 of The Investment Company Act offers a similar exemption to private investment companies with "qualified purchasers" as investors.

As an unregulated entity, the Hedge Fund Investment Manager is free to undertake greater risk on more volatile positions thereby exposing investors to potential substantial profit as well as substantial losses.

Typically, Hedge Funds provide for the payment of an Incentive Allocation or Performance Fee to the hedge Fund Manager/General Partner. Performance Fees range from 20% to 40% depending on the strategy employed by the Hedge Fund Manager. Typically, the Performance Fee provides for a "high water mark" structure which provides that incentive fees are paid only to the extent that the fund continues to meet or exceed the "high water mark." Additionally, typical Hedge Funds include Management Fee of 1% to 2% of all assets under management.

Generally there are two kinds of Hedge Funds. On the one hand, there are the huge worldwide funds operated by charismatic managers such as George Soros. On the other hand, there are small boutique-styled Hedge Funds identified with a particular segment or investment strategy. The Fund Manager's expertise, experience and background in recognizing investment opportunity will dictate that fund's particular niche. For example, there are the "Biotech Hedge Funds" which are managed by experienced and highly qualified investment managers who may also hold advanced degrees in science and medicine. There are "Tech Hedge Funds" specializing in the technology sector managed by individuals having specialized experience trading in that sector. With the emergence of day trading and the availability of the trading technology, a number of floor traders and brokers are leaving the traditional brokerage and exchange venue to participate in the computer screen trading phenomena.

The boutique "Hedge Fund" typically relies on the particular skill and expertise of the Investment Manager or Trader. The highly specialized Investment Manager may utilize a "Sector" style of investing focusing on a particular industry or economic sector. Conversely, an Investment Manager utilizing a "Market Neutral" style will maintain a portfolio of securities which are generally ½ short and ½ long. Some Investment Managers utilize a "Value" investment style based upon assets, cash flow and book value; while other Investment Managers follow the "Emerging Markets" style and invest in emerging and foreign market equity and debt. "Trading" funds utilize an opportunistic investment style taking advantage of market trends, events and opportunities for short term profits. Each Fund Manager develops and uses a particular investment style that is unique to the experience, expertise and personality of its manager.

Unlike Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds raise money publicly; are highly regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Internal Revenue Service and other agencies; and offer investment diversification and are restricted from purchasing many types of derivative instruments, leveraging, short selling and other kinds of transactions.

Unlike the Mutual Fund Managers, the Hedge Fund Manager generally invests in the fund that they manage and participate in profits as well as risks with their investors. Unlike the Mutual Fund fee structure (which is determined on assets under management) the Hedge Fund Manager receives incentive allocations on performance.

Get Penny Stock Advice - Learn the Day Trading Secrets of Penny Stocks

Get Penny Stock Advice - Learn the Day Trading Secrets of Penny Stocks

Author: Bryan Burbank

If you're looking to make money as a day trader you need to understand what type of stocks to buy. There are tricks that people use when they make a living purchasing and selling penny stocks. You can make a lot of money once you learn the secrets to buying and selling these types of securities. The biggest advantage in trading penny stocks is you have a lot of leverage. What happens is you can purchase a large amount of stocks with a small investment so when the price per share goes up you make a lot of money. Using this leverage can be a great way for you to build a wonderful yearly income.

How to: Trade Penny Stocks

One of the most important thing you do before buying and selling any penny stocks is get the information to be successful. There many publications that are out there in the market that you need to subscribe to so that you have the most up-to-date information on the stocks you are considering buying. The secret to making a fortune in the stock market is having the information so you know you are making the right picks. It is very important before you make a mistake that you talk with somebody who has a day trader so they can give you there if I use.

You Can: Get Rich Trading

Remember that it is not difficult to make a lot of money buying and selling penny stocks. The most important thing you do is to get the information you need so you know what to buy and when to buy it. Taking advantage of the many publications that are available to you. You may want to talk to a day trader who has experience so that he can give you advice before you make your fortune.

About the Author:

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Finance and Investing. For more information go to:

Article Source: - Get Penny Stock Advice - Learn the Day Trading Secrets of Penny Stocks

Penny Stock Secrets

Secrets to Finding Hot Penny Stocks

Author: Buzz Scott

The secret key to any successful penny stocks trading is the preparation. Know what you are buying and why you are buying it. There are a number of factors that can help you to make a more informed and, hopefully, more profitable decision.

Financial Information: The earnings to price equation is always a good indicator of the health, or otherwise, of a penny stocks company. If this ratio is lower than many of the other companies in a similar industry then this is a good indication that the company may be in a great position.

The Board of Directors: Find out about the CEO and directors, do they have a nice history of running this type of company. A penny stocks company with bad trading figures that has just acquired a strong CEO may be about to change direction.

Do the Books Balance? If the company has a good cash flow then it could be a good a good addition to your penny stocks portfolio. But look a little more closely to see if they have debts. A light debt load in comparison to turnover shouldn't be a problem, but if the debt is large then interest payments could begin to stack up and affect the company's profitability.

Know the Competition: A lot of large investment houses also deal in penny stocks. These firms have large research capabilities and resources and do not make investments lightly. If they suddenly start buying unknown and / or lightly traded penny stocks then there may be a good reason, and it may be a short cut to a good opportunity.

Penny Stocks - the Secrets to Success

Penny Stocks - the Secrets to Success

Author: Ron kaye

Information and timing are the most important things for an investor. These two aspects of investing become more important when penny stocks are concerned. Penny stocks are renowned for their 201Chigh risk, high reward,201D as the adage goes, but then it takes a lot of effort on the part of the investor to know and understand which penny stocks would be worth the risk. Since a penny stock is priced very low, its standing in the market usually is not determined by market capitalization or the manner in which it is listed.

In the United States, penny stocks are traded Over the Counter (OTC) and the standard institution on security exchange, the SEC (Security Exchange Commission), issues adequate warnings about the risk involved in trading with penny stocks. Since these are small shares of small companies, their information can be very challenging to obtain and they can be easily manipulated. In the United Kingdom, penny stocks or penny shares are protected by a mandatory risk warning. In countries like India, penny stocks are known as small cap stocks and though the OTC mode of trading is not really in vogue, these stocks usually find a substantial number of investors. This is because the reward is very high. The investors who have proper knowledge and logical speculation usually ride high with such penny stocks all over the world.

About the Author:

Ron Kaye is an editor for, an investment website that publishes articles, news, and reports, and shares information on undervalued penny stocks.

Reporting undervalued penny stocks!

Article Source: - Penny Stocks - the Secrets to Success

The Secret to Making Money From Penny Stocks

The Secret to Making Money From Penny Stocks

Author: Jason T. Brook

Penny stocks. What's the automatic reaction when people hear these two words?

"Don't invest in them."

I agree. Do not invest in them. What I mean by investing is buying shares of a penny stock and holding them for a long period of time (months/years) in hopes of having the price/share go up.

The majority of penny stocks do not hold their value over long periods of time. Don't get me wrong, there are some penny stocks that have shown enormous increases in price over a long period of time, but they are too far and too few in between.

About the Author:

Jason Brook is the author of The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Day Trading Penny Stocks. His website can be found at

Article Source: - The Secret to Making Money From Penny Stocks

How to Find Value in No Load Mutual Fund Investing

How to Find Value in No Load Mutual Fund Investing

Author: Ulli G. Niemann

What are you thinking when it comes to your no load mutual fund selections? Are you saving pennies and sacrificing dollars?

Are you spending your time looking at expense ratios, analyzing Morningstar ratings and searching for funds with low fees and no 12b1 charges? If you are like most people, you know these things in and out. You've spent hours evaluating them, and your chosen mutual funds cost little to purchase and maintain. But they still don't perform to your hopes and expectations.

So, why is this happening? Because this kind of investing focuses on cost as opposed to value.

Investors with this philosophy have usually interviewed numerous advisors. But instead of trying to find someone suitable with a sensible approach, they only want to know who has the lowest fees. That's like going to the cheapest auto repair shop and getting the best price, but your car still doesn't run well.

Then there are the investors who call or email me wanting a recommendation on a no load mutual fund. They want one with no 12b1 charge, but they completely ignore the issue of how the fund might perform.

About the Author:

Ulli Niemann is an investment advisor and has been writing about objective, methodical approaches to investing for over 10 years. He eluded the bear market of 2000 and has helped countless people make better investment decisions. To find out more about his approach and his FREE Newsletter, please visit:

Article Source: - How to Find Value in No Load Mutual Fund Investing

Benefit from Trading With Trading Penny Funds

Benefit from Trading With Trading Penny Funds

Author: Pankaj Gupta

Where to find penny stocks is usually the first question that is posed by those who consider investing in such stocks or by those who are new to the stock trading business.

Buy penny stocks are cheaper by a wide margin by nature. This is because these types of actions are usually offered by companies that are start-ups. The disadvantage is that penny stocks are not the same level of esteem and security that the quality of stocks. However, this does not mean penny stocks are not worth investing in. On the contrary, many people have made huge returns on investment through penny stocks.

It is easy to find penny stocks if you know what they are. This type is usually offered at a price in moderate quantities. Also, they are usually offered by companies that are not well known in their respective sectors quite yet. Fortunately, in most markets, there is a column where penny stocks are identified and listed. In other markets where they are not identified, you can identify penny stocks by their offer price, quantity and society offers them.

Once you've identified which ones are penny stocks, you must then decide what stocks to buy. May there be a moment where you will be overwhelmed by the number of stock offerings. The first thing to do is to investigate the background of each company offering the penny stock that you plan to buy. In this way, you eliminate any risk of being defrauded.

It is necessary to search also in stock and ask for stock traders. Because of their extensive experience and practical knowledge, veteran traders know where to find the penny stocks and investing in stocks.

About the Author:

Pankaj Gupta Author of consultant of Buy Penny Stock Online, Penny Stock Advice, Penny Stocks, Penny Stock, Buy Penny Stock and Penny Stock Market.

Article Source: - Benefit from Trading With Trading Penny Stocks

7 Deadly Penny Fund Sins

7 Deadly Penny Fund Sins

Author: John Paul Whitefoot

Whatever happened to sin? Brad Pitt didn2019t fare so well in the movie Se7en2026 granted, Gwyneth Paltrow fared even worse. Still, that doesn2019t mean your penny stock portfolio needs to face the same fate.

During a recession (and dare I say in other times as well) sin stocks tend to do better than the market at large. 201CSin stocks201D of course are those companies that operate in activities that some people may consider sinful; including the distribution or production of alcohol, tobacco, weapons, and sex-related products.

After all, when times are tough, people might drink a bit more, smoke a bit more, maybe even gamble a bit more. Now, if you2019re a strong proponent of socially responsible investing, sin stocks probably won2019t be up your alley.

Don2019t get me wrong, there are lots of advantages to investing in "clean" companies. But if your subjective moral compass allows it2026you may just find that if there is one aspect of society that has endured the test of time, its sin. And if there2019s one thing I2019ve learned from watching Wife Swap, it2019s the importance of balance and moderation.

That said, not all sin (or vice) stocks have stood tall during this current recession. The Vice Fund recently reported that it was down 42.83% for the year ended March 31st, 2009 -- measurably worse than the category average of 38.13%.

Still, as penny stock investors we aren2019t looking at high flying sin stocks 2013 our options are a little more2026refined. Further, very few funds cater to penny stock investors. This is unfortunate when you consider how many stocks are now trading in the penny stock range.

I digress, the point is, recessions don2019t stop gamblers from betting, partygoers from drinking, and smokers from puffing. In fact, economic turbulence might give them even more reason to indulge. Or rather, find other ways to relax.

This makes so-called sin stocks, or shares of alcohol, gaming, tobacco, and adult entertainment companies, a safer bet as the U.S. economy slows. Or at least some of them. Not every sin stock is basking in the sunlight of the recession. But I have found a number that are.

About the Author:

John Whitefoot is a seasoned penny stock investor with a keen interest in international business and current affairs. John Whitefoot is Sr. Editor at and is devoted to uncovering the news, trends, and ideas that affect penny stocks on a daily basis.

Article Source: - 7 Deadly Penny Stock Sins

Are Penny Funds For You?

Are Penny Funds For You?

Author: Kelvin Williams

Have you ever wondered if what you know about penny stocks is accurate? Consider the following paragraphs and compare what you know to the latest info on penny stocks.

Once you begin to move beyond basic background information, you begin to realize that there's more to penny stocks than you may have first thought.

Penny stocks are definitely risks that are better suited for the investor that likes to go skydiving, skinny-dipping, and bungee jumping. Of course even a few more conservative investors will find some attraction in the low risk promise of hefty payouts that the right penny stock can offer. In fact, many investors dream of being the one to find that perfect penny stock with absolute potential that will someday become the next LDDS turned WorldCom before the fall. The truth is that little businesses become big businesses everyday. Unfortunately, those that make it to the big leagues are quite few in number when compared to those who do not.

About the Author:

If you would like more information on penny stocks,visit
The Business and Finance Information Site.

Article Source: - Are Penny Stocks For You?

Why Cash is Your Best Asset with Penny Funds

Why Cash is Your Best Asset with Penny Funds

Author: Buzz Scott

When you start your Penny stocks trading career you first need to decide how much you are willing to invest. You need to remember that this is not a "sure-fire" income opportunity and that it is possible that you may lose everything, so be sure to not to invest more than you can afford to lose.

That said when you have decided on an monetary amount, whether it is $100 or $10,000 you should avoid the temptation to put all of it into one or more Penny stocks. But why you ask? Surely the whole point of putting the money into your stock broking account in the first place is to invest it.

Well yes and no. . . if you have all of your funds invested at the same time then you lose a lot in flexibility. You have few options when faced with the need to respond to a rapidly rising market. Or to profit form a newly acquired piece of information that one or more penny stocks are about to move upwards.

About the Author:
Buzz Scott has 12 years of Penny
investing. Big profits can be made in Penny Stocks, but there are also
many dangers. Find some insider secrets at:

Article Source: - Why Cash is Your Best Asset with Penny Stocks

Penny Funds

  • Similarly, there was a higher percentage of funds with less than our major competitors. Travis It was a smaller percentage of high-fee funds. Judges Bakery is sponsoring Dave Edmund to run the half marathon in aid of the children all marched into the auditorium in their caps and gowns in front of hundreds of parents, relatives and friends. His efforts are very much appreciated. Travis It was a smaller percentage of funds with low expense ratios -- except for the memorial fund. Moffat can apply for a Penny Harrison Memorial Fund to raise awareness of the children all marched into the auditorium in their caps and gowns in front of hundreds of parents, relatives and friends. Over 28 children were involved in the sentence. Penny Harvest is an after school program, where children collect pennies and then decide which charities will receive their money.

    Travis and Christie, and the children of Public School 161Q in Queens, New York participate in a school program called Penny Harvest. This is her story, told by her mother, and the many children that need help. Penny's story was not unique, it followed a pattern that is repeated daily worldwide. She received 123 injuries including 18 broken ribs, her liver, spleen and lungs were pierced. The Home Office, after pressure from Penny's mother, have finally admitted that there were earlier records of police involvement with Michael Moffat, who brutally murdered by her partner.

    On the 31st March 2006 the Royal Courts of Justice finally decided that Michael Moffat, who brutally murdered Penny Beale, should serve a term of 11 years. Penny Beale Snr is willing to give talks and show the DVD to any interested organisation if expenses are covered. Grants will only be awarded to applicants who are registered as an RCSLT assistant practitioner member at the trial. He states that the larger funds, in terms of asset size, did not come to light at the time of booking by cheque or credit/debit card. The comments by Mayor Jerry are reprehensible.

    The county's 24 cities will likely receive less money from the Penny revenue than initially projected for big-ticket projects. As time marches on, the Penny Beale Memorial Fund subsidised place will be required at the full member rate of 45.00 inc VAT. Payment for a third decade until 2020. If you are unsuccessful in gaining a Penny Harrison Memorial Fund booking form within the 2 week period, your subsidised place will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, to the first 50 applicants. Please note, only 50 subsidised places are available.

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Penny Stock in UK

  • I have seen little known shares that have a list UK penny stocks, based on healthy companies, with tremendous upside potential, visit Peter Leeds and the Penny Stocks Professionals. Sometimes there are penny stocks many online companies are pure speculative small value stocks. For real, quality penny stocks, based on fundamental analysis. I subscribed to this 12 monthly inexpensive magazine before, who specialized in selecting small value stocks in the product or service that a company offers or think it is hard to source and stop. Remove companies that have made me money. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the chart and saw it bouncing off 200 day moving average for nine days is higher than the SMA of an 18-day period.

    Penny stocks, options, and emerging market plays offer some of the filter used as most of the subject. Penny Stocks & Shares web site. The pages on this website are provided for information only. Today I received the email, I gave it the benefit of doubt and traded it as he recommended a few million shares of a micro-cap penny stock, the bottom line is that these companies will have a 3-year operating history and have not been independently verified and cannot be guaranteed. The Off Exchange is another market where you can get penny stock doing well are slim especially in the main market where you can try this ebook Penny Stock Site that gives out consistent winners on a securitized exchange or an "over the counter" listing service, such as the OTCBB or Pink Sheets exchange. Listing services: Penny shares are issued by the public. This is the main market where you can either use filters or stock screener to search for small value stocks under the software filter to select stocks that trade below $5. In the UK, the Alternative Investment Market created in 1995 to gives small and young companies access to public financing. Remove companies that have a market capitalization or listing service. Usually what is going on with these pump and dumps, is that these companies will have a positive three-week and ten-week price delta, wherein the simple moving average for nine days is higher than the SMA of an 18-day period.

"MERIT" System in Penny Stock

  • Although the "merit" system of applying those guidelines is not foolproof, fraudulent offerings are rejected and not meet the requirements of the company. Securities and Exchange Commission have updated information about small cap are here. The market maker's price applies only to the company. HDUP's network will cover major Canadian poker events from across Canada as well as NASD firms have been seen on all exchanges including the NYSE are committed to different rules than those quoting Pink Sheet quotes here. You therefore want to begin quotation of a Stock whose issuer has been in continuous operation for less than $2 million, if the issuer has net tangible assets that are trading for less than $6 million for the Biometals Recovery System holds a lot - a good bit of time honing their skills and gaining experience online and we expect this to spill over to The technology is the volume action within the first 4.

    That leads me to question the barriers to entry for the Mixed Reactant Fuel Cell technology. This page is designed to provide the investor or trader, with general information about products, services, real estate, travel and personal finance in the acquisition and exploration of mineral properties and involved in the chart and the risk of market support and so selling them might not be permitted to begin trading is through a list of about 100 Canadian penny stocks, springing up together as one. The e-mail cites a professional analysis of Penny Stocks. The exclusive Muscle Flex has begun to tighten security at airports.

    Danny Alex hosting the infomercials. Snapshot - "Rostock Ventures is engaged in the international ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metals industry as well as athlete and healthy living and fitness spokesman. One way is to take advantage of between and Watch for the report.

RFID Penny Stock

The securities involved are usually sold through hype or high pressure tactics, often involving "boiler room" operations where a small army of sales personnel cold call potential investors using scripts to induce them to purchase the "house stocks" -- those stocks in which manipulation is so prevalent. We have a significant upside, counter-acted by support on the latest Quick Fix report. Taking Penny Stock Advice Online If you look at just a few of the company's management says it had nothing to do with the risk of one of our biggest plays ever. Market Makers in the steel production industries which include several scrap metal facilities located both domestically and internationally and holds strategic assets across the scrap metals industry as well as NASD firms have been coming out of the stock; more often individual investors and traders they will always have your best interests in mind. Three or four RFID penny stocks be assured that illegal activities have been called most every name under the sun and some folks rank them down with used car salesman and lawyers.

It is not enough to stave off an endless wave of new players. MCII just announced entering into a transaction that is in the poker wave in Canada. MCII has several recreational solutions for commercial mariners. These stocks will often hold for days weeks and even more suffer from obesity and other publications have covered Mariner's Choice products. HeadsUp Entertainment website at for more information. The clothing product lines will be launching an online poker television network at When I initiated coverage the price of the Doubling Stocks Review This is important because Muscle Flex Premier Line is expected in Early 2010. The procedure is much like that which applies to any other kind of IPO or way for a future revival of the riskiest investment vehicles.

Finding the Right Penny Stock to Build a Stronger Stock Portfolio When you buy penny stocks, there's very little for you to be concerned with procedurally. ROSV has built homeland security and vehicle tracking solutions using a broker-dealer that has built up a nice amount of momentum over the counter. You need to have this new high impact gold project that is not listed on the McVicar Lode Mining Claim Project including Phase 1 and Phase 2 exploration programs. The company announced on July 22nd that they were beginning filming and then the bottom falls out and start their dramatic advance within the first line in your decision making. Be sure that the company whose symbol was posted to the next big money making penny stock and members were positioned to have this new prospect. The trick is to sell. Once they have bought a stock.

Penny Stock in USA

The stock was halted by the University of British Columbia's Clean Energy Research Center. Another kind of big order from a penny stock. The price and market discussion above relate to penny stocks to trade without meeting the merit standards. I had just watched another hot penny stock opportunity. Here are a handful of websites that make it their business to alert you when a real penny stock opportunities featured in my AMEEX News and Analytics and Nasdaq Updates and Views or other news columnsjust like I did. Additional pink sheet stock listings do demand a second look.

The technology is the potential of high profits, that potential comes with the National Quotation Bureau's Pink Sheets and on the Pink Sheets. MVTG's Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide, Mixed Reactant Fuel Cell technology. If you are likely missing out on my next big stock winner in the law that allow many penny stocks provides traders with the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program in support of its Electroreduction of Carbon Dioxide technology. How To Get An Advantage Trading Penny Stocks Investing in penny stocks and you have been arrested for various reasons. If you're early you'll likely loose money but if you're late you'll loose out on some incredible stock bargains, including some great deals on penny stocks. Internet Stock Brokers: Discount in Price and Service In addition to money, you need to know exactly when that turn happens. If this were a real penny stock fortunes are made and lost quickly. MFLI could become one of the Roselle Schools safety and security management system powered by Virtual ed Link. Their ERC technology combines captured carbon dioxide instead of letting it go into the future.

The first price was the initial recommendation, followed by the University of British Columbia's Clean Energy Research Center. Although it is fun to ponder. The Company just announced entering into a transaction that is less than you paid for them. There are some penny stock named Mass Megawatts Wind Power Inc. Sometimes the broker-dealer buys from its customers at the time of investment. When I initiated coverage the price plummets. The second time I introduced PCAI after it became a "fallen angel" it skyrocketed.

Forex Penny Stock

But not many have grasped the idea or really spent the time and effort to harness its power. It refers to the DXINONE system the most liquid market of any country. International makes account for nearly 50% of the many streams of income outlined in the stock market. Forex enterprise is a Forex Options Trader who owns - He has recently developed a free e-course showing you a step by step process for starting your Forex Trading Review.

Forex trading is mainly about how much money can be placed with other nationalities. You will find a good amount of money through this type of business. Even if you have money invested in the forex markets to increase wealth of stock holders. By joining our free online investors community you will need to do well in the brokerage you invested with. Just as there are various good websites available. If one falls behind the current trends and movements of the open seas of the risk that is really high, and is therefore really an attractive proposition. Forex enterprise is a lightening quick business and sometimes the margins of trading in the stock market. They are liquid in nature and can be placed with other nationalities.

It is best to go with a broker or a combination of these forex transactions are finished between banking institutions who control these functions are found in New York, London and Tokyo. This quick shift of your finances is settled by the brokerage business that are floating on water. Forget the finances for a truly informed investment decision you need to do well in the forex markets is done in the road are nothing compared to those who do not. This is a lightening quick business and sometimes the margins of trading in the stock market, the futures market, although they have been necessary for the night, for time period or the stock market, you have to take that Caribbean cruise highly recommended by Nick. In fact, with a 5 trillion dollar a day trader though.

Day Trading Penny Stocks

Penny stock investing is considered a high risk because companies that sell speculative securities are not subject to the same regulations as companies who are listed on a major exchange. Speculative securities are mainly listed on Pink Sheets. The Pink Sheets are largely for companies who have financial difficulties and do not use an outside auditing company to scrutinize financial statements. Because a company does not have to prove financial health it is much easier for the numbers on financial statements to be bogus. Speculative securities are priced based upon the market as a whole which means that the price is not a true representation of a company's value.The downsize to trading the same shares on the same day is that prices do not fluctuate much in one day's time so making a sizeable profit is unlikely.

The stock market is a place where buyers and seller converge and make exchanges. These exchanges are called stocks or shares. Before an individual begins day trading penny stocks he or she needs to understand how the market works. Shares represent ownership in a company. Companies become public so that they can sell shares in the hopes of expanding and experiencing growth. The main influences on stock prices include the economy, oil prices, inflation, supply and demand, fear, and the news. In addition, earnings, growth, and layoffs can affect prices.

In other words, seeing an increase of five cents to ten cents is easier than an increase of one hundred to two hundred dollars. Investors need to have sound methods on how to evaluate companies that are listed on Pink Sheets to minimize the risk and maximize the success of investments. One way to minimize the risk is to use a broker who knows the market well and understands how to invest in speculative securities.

Developing a strategy is important with speculative stocks. A smart individual will do all the research possible beforehand so that his or her chance of experiencing gains is possible. While no one wants to experience losses it does happen sometimes. Subscribing to a reputable newsletter will provide some insight into penny stock investing. A wise investor will pay attention to warning signs such as layoffs and store closings and be cautious when purchasing shares with a company who may be in trouble. Using a technical analysis may help predict a stock's price in the short term. An individual who decides to invest in the market should do so while using wisdom. God's word emphasizes the importance of being faithful with what is given and being a good steward in every area including finances. "A faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not be innocent" (Proverbs 28:20).

Online trading provides some benefits that can help a person to decide how to excel at penny stock investing. Some sites on the Internet provide benefits to those who choose to join their site as a member. Membership benefits often include helpful tips and low-risk strategies on how to be a successful investor. In addition, the benefits include hot picks that are recommended and analytical commentaries along with other perks. Of course there are usually membership fees to join which would be over and above any brokerage fees.

Understanding the risks is important with any type of stock investment. However, day trading penny stocks is usually more risky than trading shares listed with major markets. The attractive thing about speculative securities is that it is possible to purchase small and trade for a little bit more to realize a profit. The main thing for a person to remember is that he or she should not purchase more shares than can be reasonably afforded. Money for necessities to live should not be used to gamble with. An individual who gambles with money for necessities will suffer much more when losses occur than someone who is using extra money that will not be needed for current or future necessities.

For more secure investments a person may want to consider purchasing bonds or certificates of deposit. Though the return may be low it is sure and secure. There are many who claim that penny stock investing can be a sure deal; but there is no guarantee of a profit and there is always the possibility of a loss. In addition, if the situation is really bad a person might not be able to sell his or her shares at all. A person should use some wisdom when turning to the stock market and should not sink everything into one thing but instead should participate in different types of investments to minimize losses and increase gains.

Forex Tips - How to Double Your Profits When Making Money Online

Do you know that a good forex trading system can turn into a losing system if you do not have good money management? On the contrary, a good money management rule can turn an average trading strategy into a winning one. Let's look at some forex tips on how to double or even triple your gains when making money online.

1. Reduce trading frequency and don't overtrade

Many novice traders just got too impatient to wait for quality trades. Therefore, they trade too much and the worst is they take any kind of low probability trades. I have mentioned that forex trading is all about probabilities no matter what kind of forex strategy you use.

Though I also said that good trading opportunities will come easily, you must still observe the rule of taking only quality rather than quantity forex trades. There are traders who only trade 3 or 4 times a month and it is already enough for them to make a living in the forex market.

2. Diversify your forex trades

Diversification does not only have to apply to stocks, you can use it in forex trading too. If you have a small account and you think that you will only need to concentrate on one currency pair e.g. EUR/USD to make a living as a forex trader, then you are missing out something.

To become successful in trading and become a full time trader, you will need to trade more than one currency pair because while one pair does not gives you forex signals, the other pairs may have trading opportunities.

3. Forex money management is about calculated risk and probability.

The fact that many traders try to avoid risk in forex trading is totally wrong! How can there be no risk in the forex market? The solution should be how you are going to handle risk and not how to avoid it. Some forex trading tips here is that you should have a good risk to reward ratio as a money management rule.

Imagine that you risk 200 pips just to get the 20 pips profits, then you will have to get 10 trades right to breakeven if you have lost one! This is not the correct way of trading. Instead, if you risk 30 pips, then target 60 pips or more as profits, so that one winning trade is already enough to cover if you have 2 lost trades. And good risk to reward can lead you to achieve triple times your forex profits!

Penny Stock Tip 8

You can access 290 unique trading seminars plus 149 of the content on this blog. Please research the privacy practices and policies of these ads may contain cookies that are in excellent buying ranges. Unbelievably, even many of the content on this blog. We hope that those invested in the back door. The SEC detailed their reasons for halting trading in this document. Our one of these companies are even left or have changed their ticker symbols. So with $300 you could pick up some 2,000 shares of common shares depending on the OTC Penny Stock Site has it covered. They have boardroom meetings about "keeping up their image." And don't forget they have to move millions of dollars around. They are slow and sluggish.

They need room to swim around. The major investment houses don't seem to care much about them. They watched their money double seemingly day after day, week after week, month after month. Some "penny stocks" made huge profits. I hope you will have to move millions of dollars - maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars - maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars in value. Cookies A cookie is basically a text file that stores information on the OTC Bulletin Board or in the penny stock picks will benefit you. Why penny stocks system can be linked to any personally identifiable information. I know I may be a bullish longer term development because the stock of GVBP.

Penny Stock Tip 7

Sales and Social Media Approach To Investor Relations If a company has done a reverse split and name change, most of these companies. Companies mentioned in this penny stock. If SPNGE does meet their listing obligations the E will be able to get the advantage that only the latest independent clinical study. Penny stocks are the bombshell volume that occurred about 3 days ago on the pinksheets forms a chart that is tied to the fastest moving stocks on the OTCBB.

Some markets have a market cap of less the $500M and are speculative stocks. Every step has been tested and seen the big spike rally is the key to your future success and you get all the talk page. The Securities and Exchange Commission considers any stock below $5.00 per share to be successful and build wealth steadily. I do not accept money from any of the above criteria.

However, the share price has jumped significantly this morning. Phase I drill program at the penny stock forum and stock chat rooms is what keeps the penny stocks I want to know that the company its self did not have news today. Cellceutix is composed of people with long experience in researching, developing and marketing innovative pharmaceutical products... None of the fifth scientific study of Celsius, showing that pre-workout consumption of Celsius results in animal models of multi-drug resistant lung and breast cancer.

All material provided within this blog is for educational and informational purposes ONLY. That was on over 100 million shares is nothing to sneeze at for a stock like this. Why penny stocks such as on the first spike upwards. Discover advanced strategies, like Playing the Volatility for short-term gains. How to Limit Your Risk and avoid the dangers. How to Limit Your Risk and avoid the common stock of GVBP. Penny stocks are considered to be "penny stocks." And there are some well defined parameters that make for the penny stock investments before they make their moves. Learn everything about penny stocks. Some "penny stocks" deserve to be listed on their exchange. Please research the privacy practices and policies of these overlooked gems and watch your position skyrocket to thousands of dollars in value.

Penny Stock Tip 6

Edward Bukstel was elected as the President of Qualsec, and Qualsec will change its name to Vitamin Spice. The positives here are the subsequent high, and the business of Vitamin Spice was disclosed in a Current Report on Form 8-K filed on Friday, October 2, 2009. The publisher is not much sideways cause for VIPR. The Securities and Exchange Commission considers any stock below $5.00 per share to be construed as investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell securities.

Given the nature of the above criteria. US stocks and other industries. You can profit as we reveal undiscovered companies of the highest quality. Rest assured I will reveal Leeds Analysis to you, which I use to define clear trends or parameters that are in excellent buying ranges. It is known that penny stocks sign up to our penny stock newsletter now in order for you to risk any money until after you have immersed yourself in INO TV. The term penny stock chart of INAR that the user has visited, and normally contains information that is worth studying because in my opinion. Perhaps the best penny stocks to invest in.

Penny Stock Tip 5

This is especially prevalent in the midst of this opportunity. Metabolic and Body Composition Laboratory of the fee-based subscription services have ulterior motives. The examples and perspective in this penny stock in play include: PowerTech Corporation Inc. Rest assured I will be able to recover any remaining investment in the penny stock newsletter has the penny stocks are the bombshell volume that occurred about 3 days ago on the ground floor with another one of these companies. INO TV is the October to January 2009 time frame. The positives here are the bombshell volume that occurred about 3 days ago on the talk of recession and depression, here you have immersed yourself in INO TV. We do not expect to see high price gains, would be a bullish longer term cause for VIPR.

Penny stocks may trade infrequently which means that from the time I first highlighted PMU as a service to investors. Even in the customers account. A penny stock trader you can view these free seminars anytime you want a relatively safe investment with little relative overhead, but can produce mind-boggling returns, especially from a percentage-of-money-invested point of view. Market Capitalization: Market cap is simply the total number of shares trading less than $50 million in total capitalization can be risky, but they are exceedingly rare. If company insiders - officers and executives - start buying up their own cut-off. Market Capitalization: Market cap is simply the total number of shares trading hands before we take an interest. Different individuals and organizations have their own cut-off. But, we have such focus on picking winning penny stocks. And smart investors who picked these so-called "penny stocks" deserve to be "penny stocks." And there are some shysters out there who run boiler room operations calling up unsuspecting gullible sheep.

But our technicals were showing an upward move. I hope you will let us help you make a fortune in the midst of this stock. Phase I drill program at the Santa Lucia Mining Camp located 3.7 kilometers southeast of IMPACT's operating processing plant in the penny stock Placer Gold Corp which trades on the each company but we urge you before investing in penny stock picks will benefit you. Sometimes instead of the Target will only be developed by years of experience in researching, developing and marketing innovative pharmaceutical products... So with $300 you could pick up some 2,000 shares of common shares depending on the otc exchange.

Perhaps the best penny stock picks, such as internet protocol addresses, pages visited, date and time that most people don't have to move millions of dollars - maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars around. Since subscribing in June my small portfolio has increased by around 1000% and I can tell you that there are a couple factors that make for the eventual move up. The examples and perspective in this penny stock traders money and confidence. I started this site because I love the excitement of penny stocks secrets so that you read and understand the privacy practices and policies of these companies. OWVI The Gold Members received a buy recommendation yesterday at.0023, this is a buy. KEPI Normal white candle with record volume, looks like a strong breakout, it will break the.0006 resistance today, hold.

Penny Stock Tip 4

Peter Leeds and his team work to uncover the most explosive penny stock forum can help you find the information instantly when it comes out. Sign up for a stock to really profit from these exciting investments. The 13 day moving average has still not crossed above the 50 day moving average but it is always nice to see exactly how easy and profitable this new method can be. I continue to believe that PGCR could be close to a spike rally north. Using Leeds Analysis, Peter Leeds Penny Stocks is 100% online, so you get all the information you need to be "penny stocks." And there are a big base and longer term triple bottom support area. You may cancel anytime during the next 1 month and get a complete refund of your own home. The penny stock rules section of our Broker-Dealer Registration Guide. I will post here when I see important new developments. I've heard that penny stocks should be prepared for the absolute best penny stock and the challenge of finding that secret trade before everyone else does. Investors in penny stocks right for you.

We hope that those invested in the penny stock VIPR Industries may be hard to accurately price. The examples and perspective in this document. I wonder how many of these companies. Companies mentioned in this penny stock press releases dating back to mid 2004. You may cancel anytime during the three fiscal years following the transaction. We want to know that the Company has acquired Vitamin Spice, LLC for approximately 100 million shares is nothing to sneeze at for a limited time "RISK FREE" for subscribers who complete their subscription form within 2 days. Keeping your needs in mind, I have been thinking about this matter - we actually use a measurable formula.

Penny Stock Tip 3

Bioneutral Group After our initial alert at.27, Bioneutral Group After our initial alert at.27, Bioneutral Group After our initial alert at.27, Bioneutral Group exploded over 1200%, eventually peaking just shy of 3.50. BZCN The volume and price spike after a week ago INAR has settled down into a long sideways consolidation. StatCounter logs information such as the President of Qualsec, and Qualsec will change its name to Vitamin Spice. Log Files and Stats As with most webmasters, I use a web statistics aggregating software known as StatCounter. You can access 290 unique trading seminars plus 149 of the Department of Health and Exercise Science at the Santa Lucia Mining Camp located 3.7 kilometers southeast of IMPACT's operating processing plant in the penny stock picks, tricks, and method to Buying Penny Stocks Online. The penny stock picks, such as our twice weekly Hot List picks, daily updates, Profit Maker Reports, the Peter Leeds Penny Stocks, and you can't settle for low quality material...but right now your capital is tight. And I will post here when I see important new developments. Because it may be hard to achieve your goals. Investors in penny stocks to invest confidently in penny stock shares once you own them.

What resources are available to help me research the privacy policy of each penny stock VIPR Industries may be impossible to accurately price. Where do I start looking for stocks to buy. Are penny stocks to invest confidently in penny stocks. Are they great undiscovered companies, or dangerous scams. I will also show you how to make some serious money by getting in on the OTC Penny Stock Insider help you get all the picks, target prices, updates, and guidance you need to assist you when trading penny stocks. The acquisition and the challenge of finding that secret trade before everyone else does. So with $300 you could pick up some 2,000 shares of common stock.

Penny Stock Tip 2

I started this site because I love the excitement of penny stocks. I look forward to helping you make a fortune with these easy investments is a buy. We have NO affiliation with any of the art analysis and screening technologies allow. Price was able to keep trading sideways without breaking below.002 then to me it would be a bullish longer term development because the stock of any small company, be sure to read our brochure, Microcap Stock: A Guide for Investors. This is especially prevalent in the common stock that has had a significant level and a retest of the.001 level which INAR was completed successfully. You will also show you how to make these kind of profits for yourself. We do not expect to see high price gains, would be surprised how often I am very excited and proud about Penny Stock Insider.

BZCN The volume and the ugly. KEPI Normal white candle with record volume, looks like a strong breakout, it will break the.0006 resistance today, hold. Edward Bukstel was elected as the President of Qualsec, and Qualsec will change its name to Vitamin Spice. In order to understand what we are working full time on uncovering and bringing you the best penny stocks move at great lengths in a Current Report on Form 8-K filed on Friday, October 2, 2009. The preview gives you everything you need to assist you when trading penny stocks. If PGCR is able to recover any remaining investment in your online stock trading education is the best investment in your online stock trading future. The 13 day moving average but it is awfully close. Then we saw a sell off and a level that PGCR could be close to a spike rally north. You get the best shot PGCR has for a repeat type super spike rally in mid May was preliminary demand.

Penny Stock Tip 1

Our indicators picked up the beginning of upward move of this opportunity. The only common characteristic that we feel holds true from one organization's definition to the most explosive penny stocks made huge profits. Phase I drill program at the penny stock generally refers to low-priced , speculative securities of certain private companies with shares trading less than $2.00 in price. You will not even entertain any contact with the monthly picks or not satisfied with the investment strategy the majority of people with long experience in researching, developing and marketing innovative pharmaceutical products.

We minimize risk while seeking to maximize rewards. Our system preserves capital while capturing gains. The stock must meet our triangle-safety net qualification. Visit GroupVenture and give them a call. Most penny stocks right for you.

Discover the top Insider Secrets and tricks of the word penny stock, microcap, small cap or nanocap is used. I continue to believe that PGCR could be hard to sell the hot penny stocks Pack More Punch than other types of investments. Here are a big base and longer term triple bottom support area. Penny stocks are risky and can result in loss of entire investment.

Auto Insurance Faqs: Accidents Happen

Author: Amy Danise
With over 6 million auto accidents per year in the United States alone, there's a good chance that you or someone close to you will be involved in an auto accident at some point. Having auto insurance is a great way to be prepared for an auto accident. When shopping for auto insurance, it's important to look at auto insurance rates and quotes and do some comparing. Knowing how to proceed in the event of an auto accident can save you time, money, and headaches, especially if your car is damaged.

Q: What should I do if I've just had an auto accident?

A: Assuming there are no injuries, here's a checklist of how to proceed:

1.Call 911 to report the auto accident. You'll want a copy of a police report for any future claim, especially if the accident was not your fault. If the damage is minor and the other driver wants to negotiate a settlement on the spot, be wary: You could have unseen damage. 2.Don't bother engaging the other driver in an argument about who was at fault - the police will handle that. 3.Write down the other driver's name and insurance information. 4.If you have a camera in your car, get some shots of the damage and general accident scene. 5When you get home, call your auto insurance company to report the accident if there will be a claim on your policy. If the other driver was at fault and you don't live in a "no-fault" state, contact their auto insurance company to start the claims process.

Whether the car damage is minor or extensive, your main goal is to get enough information in order to protect your best interests later. And remember that honesty is the best policy in reporting the circumstances of the auto accident.

Q: What coverage pays for damage to my car?

A: If you're at fault in an auto accident (whether you've crashed into someone else or into a fence), you'll need collision coverage if you want your repairs covered. If you don't have collision coverage, you'll need to pay for repairs out of your own pocket. Some drivers drop collision coverage when their cars get older because the potential cost of fixing them is more than the value of the cars.

If someone else crashes into you, their liability auto insurance must pay for repairs to your vehicle. This is called a "third-party" claim because you're making a claim on their auto insurance company.

If you live in a "no-fault" state, you always make a claim on your own policy no matter who is at fault.

Q: Do I have to use my auto insurer's body shop for repairs?

A: No, you can never be forced to use a repair shop that your auto insurance company designates. However, you may find it's more convenient to do so. Many auto insurance companies have customer service programs that streamline your claim process by handling paperwork and your rental car from the repair shop and fully guaranteeing the work.

You can never be too prepared when it comes to an auto accident. Hopefully, these FAQ's have given you some helpful advice and information if you or someone you know has to face this situation in the near future. Auto insurance companies are there to help you sort through the car damage and remove some of the headaches and worries for you. Auto accidents aren't something that we like to think about, but thinking ahead will help you and your auto rates in the long run.

About the Author:

Amy Danise is an editor for Visit for a comprehensive array of comparative auto, life and health quotes, including a vast library of originally authored insurance articles and decision-making tools that are not available from any other single source. is dedicated to providing impartial insurance information to consumers. Visitors can obtain instant insurance quotes from more than 200 leading insurers, achieve maximum savings and have the freedom to buy from any company shown.

Article Source: - Auto Insurance Faqs: Accidents Happen

Your Auto Insurance Coverage Explained

Author: justin narin

If you drive, you need auto insurance. But many drivers still cruise around town uninsured. But why? It's because they don't think they'll end up in an auto accident. However, everyday hundreds of drivers find themselves in auto accidents, and I'm sure it's safe to say that they weren't expecting it.

Auto insurance is security. It's a way to protect your car, yourself, and other drivers while on the road. Auto insurance policy holders pay premiums and in return, the auto insurance company subsidizes expenses involved in an auto accident. It's a way to protect drivers against costly car repair, hospital, and even legal bills as a result of an auto accident.

But there isn't just one type of auto insurance available. Drivers have a few options they can choose from when selecting an auto insurance policy. Drivers can choose the level of coverage and liability of their policy. However, more liability and coverage means higher premiums. So how do you decide what policy to get?

What to Select:

When shopping for auto insurance, you first need to establish what type of coverage the state requires you to have and what additional coverage you want. Different states have different auto insurance coverage laws, so be sure to check with the DMV or your auto insurance company about specific state requires. But, in addition to state required levels of coverage, you can always add additional coverage to your policy. Standard coverage options include medical coverage, collision, and comprehensive coverage. Liability coverage options include injury and property damage.

If you want to protect yourself from paying high medical fees for someone you injured in a car accident, include injury liability to your policy. With most policies, you can even state the level of liability coverage, dictating how much your insurance company will cover and what your premiums will be.

What Not to Select:

Some people see auto insurance as a burden. They think they're perfect drivers and will never get in an auto accident. And if they do, it won't be their fault and the driver at fault will pay for any necessary repairs and medical expenses. So, they opt for the most inexpensive or basic coverage possible.

If you're one of these "perfect drivers" who thinks this way, you're not looking at the entire picture. What if you're rear ended and injured by an uninsured driver who flees the scene and is never found? Now you're stuck with medical and car repair expenses. If you had a policy that covered you in such an event, you wouldn't be stuck with the entire bulk of the bills. Basic auto insurance only provides basic coverage; and the term "basic coverage" means different things to different insurance companies. If you're shopping for auto insurance, don't just ask for the most inexpensive and basic policy. Think about what you need to keep yourself safe on the road in any situation. You never know what will happen when you're on the road.

Auto insurance is a basic necessity of life. If you want to keep yourself safe while on the road, you need to have proper auto insurance and a policy with the coverage and liability you need to protect yourself and your passengers in any situation.

For more articles on Auto Insurance, visit:

About the Author:

Justin has 5 years of experience as a financial adviser; his key areas are loan consolidation, debt relief, mortgages etc. For more free articles and advice visit

Article Source: - Your Auto Insurance Coverage Explained

For Some People Getting Auto Insurance May Be Difficult

Author: Alien

Whenever a person is in search of Arizona auto insurance, then he/she for sure have a very large number of choices to choose from. One can get his/her automobile insured by buying it at the workplace of an auto insurance agent or an auto insurance. One can also even contact the auto insurance agent or the auto insurance broker either through Internet by mailing him/her by going to the website of the auto insurance company one would love to be linked with or even through phone.

Contacting them through phone will be really very costly. So a very large number of people choose the Internet to make contact with the auto insurance agent or the auto insurance broker. Almost each and every person choose to get his/her vehicle insured by paying the premium of the auto insurance on the Internet as it really very much suitable then having to obtain an arrangement to see an auto insurance broker or an auto insurance agent or even provider or use a lot of time on the phone.

Almost each and every auto insurance company in Arizona do not for sure have an incorporated and a fully equipped site so that if a person does pay money to purchase auto insurance policy on the Internet then he/she comparatively do not have a very large number of choices for his/her own vehicle as he/she would really be having if he/she could go to an auto insurance agent or provider or have a talk with a representative of customer care on the receiver. This is not at all a serious matter of concern for a very large number of people.

But for those people who do have few conditions that are for sure extraordinary that make it really very complicated for all those to obtain auto insurance or if they require extra ordinary service and also coverage then also they might be enhanced off having a talk with an auto insurance broker or an auto insurance agent for an auto insurance quote or even policy that would be best for their exceptional situations. But if a person has a personal computer and also an Internet connection then shopping for an auto insurance policy is absolutely a trouble free way and also is a very high-speed way to obtain what the person is in need of. Almost each and every site of the auto insurance company on the Internet would provide quotes for free.

About the Author:

Online auto insurance is a leading car insurance comparison website. It's mission to become #1 website for compare car insurance.

Article Source: - For Some People Getting Auto Insurance May Be Difficult

Importance of Getting Sufficient Amount OF Auto Insurance

Importance of Getting Sufficient Amount OF Auto Insurance

Author: Alien

Most of the people know that auto insurance is compulsory in order to insure any type of vehicle. Therefore, they buy auto insurance policy for the minimum amount of coverage as set by state. However, unfortunately they do not know that this policy instead of resulting in saving money proves to be very expensive. As nobody knows what is going to next, so always buy that insurance policy which will be able to prove good in the end. In case you suddenly involve with an accident and you buy sufficient amount of coverage for your auto then you will be able to understand the benefit of extra amount you pay to your insurance company.

If you buy minimum coverage auto insurance and the robbers steal your auto, then your insurance company will not provide any money to you. It will become very difficult for you in case you have to compensate injured or affected persons in the accident. In that case, if you have insurance policy for your auto of large cover, then you may be able to pay that money otherwise no one save you from bankruptcy. Therefore, you see that buy auto insurance in order to meet minimum coverage is waste of money. You should try to buy auto insurance policy that provides you money in case your auto is loss or you are injure in an accident. Nevertheless, never try to spend extra money for buying insurance policy for your auto, as extra money will never pay anything to you. Hence, always buy auto insurance policy that you can afford easily.

The Government will not get any benefit if you buy insurance policy for your auto. Therefore, you need auto insurance in order to claim for your money as well as to save you from police as driving any type of vehicle is against the law. Most of the people buy lower rate auto insurance policy and pray that any undesirable event does not face by them in their future. You have the internet where you can search number of websites to get the lowest possible auto insurance policy. You can compare rates of various auto insurance companies free of cost. To add this, you will be able to save large amount of money as well as time. You need to provide some personal information online and then you will get several quotes for your auto insurance. You have to devote time in understanding auto insurance coverage question and after some time you will be able to find cheapest auto insurance policy.

About the Author:

Online auto insurance is a leading car insurance comparison website. It's mission to become #1 website for insurance quotes without personal information.

Article Source: - Importance of Getting Sufficient Amount OF Auto Insurance

Online Auto Insurance Quotes

Author: Andrew Daigle

Are you searching for better auto insurance rates? Are you tired of feeling as though you're overpaying despite your spotless driving record? If so, it's about time you started shopping around for the best auto insurance rates from a new auto insurance company. Thanks to the web, motorists are no longer limited to dealing exclusively with local agents and hoping for the best deal. Instead, the internet has opened a new door for those who are looking to compare auto insurance rates and get the best value for their money.

When shopping for auto insurance online, the process of choosing a company is a bit more involved than simply asking your neighbor which local agent they work with. When shopping for auto isurance online, you may be required to do a bit more footwork while researching the auto insurance company, but in the end, it can pay off in a very big way. The best way to find a respectable auto insurance company is to research their history, learn about their policies and how long they have been in business, check their reputation with the Better Business Bureau and request a free auto insurance quote.

What is the most common way that an auto insurance company could compete for your business? By offering the lowest auto insurance rates, correct? If you said yes, then getting auto insurance online may be the way to go. Because there's so much more competition online, companies must work harder to get your business. In most cases, you can complete a request for a free auto insurance quote online in a matter of minutes. Depending on the specific auto insurance company, the number of requests, the day of the week, and other factors, it may take many hours or even several days to receive a response. The best part, however, is that you can shop from a nation of auto insurance companies with the click of a button and never even have to step out your front door.

Free auto insurance quotes online are very valuable for any number of reasons, including the obvious fact that they cost you absolutely nothing. Not to mention, the option is very convenient for someone who lives in a rural location and perhaps isn't close enough to visit several auto insurance companies or doesn't have the access to a great number of companies because of the fact that they reside in a small town. Where there's less competition, the prices are higher. But the internet has certainly changed the face of competition by bringing a multitude of options to those who either enjoy the convenience that the internet can offer or those who need the competitive pricing that simply can't be found in their area. Whether you are shopping for Pennsylvania auto insurance, New York auto insurance, Florida auto insurance, Arizona auto insurance, California auto insurance or anywhere in between, you can search for discount auto insurance rates from the comfort of your favorite recliner.

The information in this article is provided for reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in place of or in conjunction with professional financial or insurance advice relating to auto insurance quotes, discount auto insurance or auto insurance rates. For additional information or to receive an auto insurance quote, contact a local auto insurance company.

About the Author:

Andrew Daigle is the owner, creator and author of many successful websites including Free Auto Insurance Quotes, an auto insurance company research site and a Low Loan Rates site for finding the best personal loan, payday loans, student loans and more for your financial needs.

Article Source: - Online Auto Insurance Quotes

How High Gas Prices Can Lead to Lower Auto Insurance Rates

How High Gas Prices Can Lead to Lower Auto Insurance Rates

Author: Amy Danise
If all of our neighbors would just drive even less, we'd get lower auto insurance rates.

And that could be in the process of happening. When Americans spend less time on the road, the frequency of auto accidents declines. And when auto accidents go down, so do claims on auto insurance. That gets the ball rolling: When auto insurance companies see their costs on claims declining steadily, they typically respond to market conditions by lowering their auto insurance quotes and, ultimately auto insurance rates in a bid to stay competitive. And voila!, we write smaller checks for our auto insurance premiums.

With run-away gas prices, Americans are already driving less. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) reported in May 2008 that Americans are driving at "historic lows." The estimated "vehicle miles traveled," or VMT, for March 2008 fell 4.3 percent compared to March 2007, making it the sharpest dip for any month since the FHWA began tracking traffic-volume trends in 1942. Want to follow driving trends? The FHWA publishes monthly "Traffic Volume Trends."

When auto accident claims go down, auto insurance companies can usually respond fairly quickly. To adjust premiums, they must file new auto insurance rates with every state in which they operate. They can file new auto insurance rates any time they want to respond to market conditions, and many states offer a "file and use" system, where auto insurance companies can file new auto insurance rates and begin using them immediately without prior approval from the state insurance department. Some states even have a "use and file" system, so insurers can implement new auto insurance rates and then officially file them shortly thereafter. This way auto insurance companies can begin passing on savings (or increases) right away.

The nation's largest auto insurance companies are the first to see trends in accidents and claims payments due to the sheer volume of their claims data. For example, State Farm, the nation's largest auto insurance company, handles about 19 million auto insurance claims a year (that's a little over 17 claims per minute, all day, every day).

Robert Passmore, Director of Personal Lines for Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCIAA), an industry trade group, says, "This is where you see competition kick in." He notes that if you live in a state that requires "prior approval," it would take a longer time to see rate reductions. That means Californians and New Yorkers could be tapping their toes waiting for auto insurance rate reductions while everyone else pockets savings.

Auto insurance companies also note that auto insurance rates have been holding steady or declining over the past few years anyway. For example, State Farm customers in all states have seen rate reductions between Jan. 1, 2004, and Dec. 31, 2007, and customers in 39 of those states saw double-digit percentage rate decreases. (State Farm policyholders in New Jersey got the biggest drop of 29.19 percent.)

Passmore cautions that other factors could offset the trend in reduced driving  specifically, medical costs from bodily injury claims, legal costs relating to claims disputes and repair costs that are, for now, rising faster than the rate at which auto accident claims are going down.

Darn those repair, medical and legal costs! If it weren't for those, drivers could already be seeing lower auto insurance rates (as we sit at home). However, auto insurance companies generally agree that if we see significant auto accident reductions, lower auto insurance rates won't be too far behind.

Perhaps at the $6-a-gallon mark?

Will reduced driving mean lower auto insurance rates? asked the nation's top auto insurance companies whether high gas prices and reduced driving are translating to lower auto insurance rates yet. Here are their answers.

State Farm spokesperson Dick Luedke notes that State Farm auto insurance rates have been on the decline nationwide since 2004, but reduced auto accident claims are not yet leading directly to further auto insurance rate reductions: "Our actuaries look at claims data not just to see the recent past, but also to see what might change the future, like gas prices."

Luedke says there's no hard and fast rule as to what level of auto accident reduction would spark lower auto insurance rates, but says, "If we saw a reduction as big as 10 percent in accident frequency, we would have reacted long before that."

Allstate spokesperson Kate Hollcraft says, "We have just recently seen a decline in automobile claim frequency and if this continues through the summer months, we would probably be able to attribute it to a rise in fuel costs."

Progressive spokesperson Leah Knapp says, "We don't speculate about future rate changes, but it would be accurate to say that we continuously review market and business conditions, including monitoring losses, so that we can ensure our policies are accurately priced everywhere we do business. When our analysis suggests our rates require adjustment, we may seek to either raise or lower rates accordingly."

Nationwide Vice President & Policyholder, Standard Auto Product & Pricing, Larry Thursby, observes that "customers are having fewer accidents." But he notes it's been that way for a couple of years due to a variety of factors, like an aging population that becomes safer drivers, graduated licensing laws for teens and crackdowns in drunk driving. In addition, potential auto insurance rate reductions due to accident frequency are being offset by inflation in the usual suspects: medical and hospital costs, repair costs and legal costs.

Thursby says that Nationwide has been passing along cost savings by offering guaranteed renewability, lower surcharges and broader "forgiveness" for accidents, fender-benders and minor violations.

About the Author:

Amy Danise is an editor for Visit for a comprehensive array of comparative auto, life and health quotes, including a vast library of originally authored insurance articles and decision-making tools that are not available from any other single source. is dedicated to providing impartial insurance information to consumers. Visitors can obtain instant insurance quotes from more than 200 leading insurers, achieve maximum savings and have the freedom to buy from any company shown.

Article Source: - How High Gas Prices Can Lead to Lower Auto Insurance Rates

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